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Güncelleme tarihi: 22 Kas 2023


A.1 Kinemaics

- How does the angle of launch affect the range of a projec,le?

- How does the shape of an object affect its terminal velocity in freefall?

- What factors determine the maximum height reached by a rocket?

- How does the mass of a cart affect its accelera,on on an inclined plane?

- How does the ini,al velocity of a car affect the stopping distance during emergency braking?

- How does the surface material affect the fric,onal force experienced by a sliding object?

- What factors determine the ,me it takes for a car to come to a complete stop during

emergency braking?

- How does air resistance impact the trajectory of a thrown object?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between launch angle and the range of a water rocket.

- How does the shape of a parachute affect its descent rate?

ia physics ideas
ia physics ideas

A.2 Forces and Momentum

- What is the effect of the angle of a ramp on the force required to move an object up the


- How does the mass of a pendulum bob influence the period of oscilla,on?

- Inves,gate the factors affec,ng the force experienced by a charged par,cle in an electric field.

- How does the elas,city of a material affect the rebound height of a bouncing ball?

- What factors impact the conserva,on of momentum in a collision?

- How does the length of a string affect the period of a simple pendulum?

- What is the effect of the coefficient of res,tu,on on the behavior of colliding objects?

- How does the mass of an object influence its momentum and kine,c energy?

- How do different materials affect the resistance of a semiconductor material in a circuit?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between the length and cross-sec,onal area of a wire and its


ia physics ideas

A.3 Work, Energy, and Power

- How does the height of a roller coaster hill affect the poten,al and kine,c energy of riders?

- What factors determine the efficiency of a solar cell in conver,ng sunlight to electrical energy?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between the length of a string and the period of a simple


- How does the angle of incline affect the work done by a force on an object?

- What factors influence the mechanical advantage of a lever?

- Inves,gate the Carnot efficiency and its rela,onship to temperature differences.

- How does the choice of refrigerant impact the efficiency of a refrigerator or air condi,oner?

- Explore the concept of entropy and its role in the second law of thermodynamics.

- Inves,gate the efficiency of different heat exchangers in transferring thermal energy.

- How do real-world heat engines compare to idealized Carnot engines in terms of efficiency?

ia physics ideas

A.4 Rigid Body Mechanics

- How does the shape of a beam affect its ability to support a load?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between the length of a lever arm and the torque applied.

- How does the rota,onal iner,a of a spinning object change with different shapes?

- What factors affect the stability of an object in equilibrium on an inclined plane?

- How does the type of material impact the vibra,ons of a guitar string?

- How does the length of a pendulum affect its period of oscilla,on?

- What factors determine the stability of a rota,ng object?

- How does the shape of an object affect its rota,onal iner,a?

- What factors affect the resonance frequency of a closed tube filled with air?

- How do different materials affect the forma,on of standing waves on a vibra,ng membrane or


A.5 Galilean and Special Rela,vity

- What is the impact of speed on ,me dila,on in accordance with special rela,vity?

- How does the length contrac,on phenomenon relate to the speed of an object?

- Inves,gate the concept of rela,ve simultaneity in the context of special rela,vity.

- How does the twin paradox demonstrate the effects of ,me dila,on?

- Explore the rela,onship between energy and mass in accordance with Einstein's mass-energy

equivalence equa,on.

- Inves,gate the Doppler effect in various scenarios, such as moving vehicles and sirens.

- How does the rela,ve mo,on of stars and galaxies impact the redshi\ observed in their


- Explore the Doppler effect in the context of light and its applica,ons in astronomy.

B.1 Thermal Energy Transfers

- What factors affect the rate of cooling of a hot liquid in a room?

- How does the shape of a container impact the rate of heat transfer through convec,on?

- Inves,gate the thermal conduc,vity of different materials and its effect on heat transfer.

- How does the surface area of an object affect the rate of radia,ve heat transfer?

- What factors influence the efficiency of a heat engine in conver,ng thermal energy to

mechanical work?

- How does the height of a ramp affect the poten,al energy of a rolling ball?

- What factors affect the efficiency of a simple machine like a pulley system?

- How does the shape of a roller coaster track affect the energy transforma,ons during a ride?

- How do different materials affect the thermal conduc,vity of a substance?

- What is the rela,onship between power output and torque in a mechanical system?

B.2 Greenhouse Effect

- What are the primary greenhouse gases, and how do they contribute to global warming?

- Inves,gate the impact of deforesta,on on the greenhouse effect and climate change.

- How do human ac,vi,es, such as industrial processes, affect greenhouse gas emissions?

- Explore the role of methane emissions from livestock in the greenhouse effect.

- What are the poten,al consequences of increased greenhouse gas concentra,ons in the


- Inves,gate the rela,onship between temperature and the pressure of a fixed volume of gas.

- How does changing the number of gas molecules in a container affect its pressure?

- Explore the behavior of gases under varying condi,ons using the ideal gas law.

- What factors influence the volume-temperature rela,onship for gases?

- How does the molar mass of a gas impact its behavior according to the ideal gas law?

B.4 Thermodynamics

- Inves,gate the Carnot efficiency and its rela,onship to temperature differences.

- How does the choice of refrigerant impact the efficiency of a refrigerator or air condi,oner?

- Explore the concept of entropy and its role in the second law of thermodynamics.

- Inves,gate the efficiency of different heat exchangers in transferring thermal energy.

- How do real-world heat engines compare to idealized Carnot engines in terms of efficiency?

- Inves,gate the efficiency of a heat pump in hea,ng and cooling applica,ons.

- How does the temperature difference between the reservoirs affect the efficiency of a heat


- Explore the principles of phase changes and latent heat in thermodynamics.

- Inves,gate the efficiency of different insula,on materials in reducing heat transfer.

- How do thermoelectric generators convert temperature differences into electrical energy?

B.5 Current and Circuits

- What factors affect the resistance of a semiconductor material in a circuit?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between the length and cross-sec,onal area of a wire and its


- How does the type of ba^ery impact the voltage and current in an electrical circuit?

- Explore the behavior of resistors connected in series and parallel configura,ons.

- Inves,gate the factors affec,ng the capacitance of a capacitor in an electrical circuit.

- How do different materials affect the resis,vity of a wire and its electrical resistance?

- Inves,gate the behavior of diodes and their applica,ons in electrical circuits.

- What factors influence the power dissipa,on in electrical circuits?

- Explore the characteris,cs and applica,ons of superconductors in electrical circuits.

- Inves,gate the principles of electrical circuits with alterna,ng current (AC) and direct current.


C.1 Simple Harmonic Mo,on

- How does the mass of an object affect its period of oscilla,on in a spring-mass system?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between the spring constant and the frequency of oscilla,on.

- How does the amplitude of oscilla,on impact the total mechanical energy of a system?

- Explore the damping effect of different fluids on the oscilla,ons of a pendulum.

- Inves,gate the resonance phenomenon and its applica,ons in various systems.

- How does the length of a string affect the period of a simple pendulum?

- What factors determine the resonance frequency of a closed tube filled with air?

- Inves,gate the behavior of a simple harmonic oscillator in different mediums.

- How do nonlinear systems exhibit complex oscillatory behavior?

- Explore the principles of wave-par,cle duality in quantum mechanics.

C.2 Wave Model

- What factors affect the speed of sound in different mediums?

- How does the tension in a string affect the speed of transverse waves along it?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between wavelength and frequency in wave propaga,on.

- Explore the behavior of waves at the boundary between two different mediums.

- How do different materials affect the refrac,on of light waves?

- Inves,gate the principles of wave interference and the forma,on of interference pa^erns.

- How does the angle of incidence affect the reflec,on and refrac,on of waves?

- Explore the concept of total internal reflec,on and its applica,ons.

- Inves,gate the behavior of sound waves in open and closed tubes.

- How do waves exhibit diffrac,on when encountering obstacles and openings?

C.3 Wave Phenomena

- Inves,gate the diffrac,on of water waves as they pass through a narrow slit.

- How does the polariza,on of light change when it passes through a polarizing filter?

- Explore the phenomenon of interference in the context of light waves.

- Inves,gate the behavior of waves in a ripple tank and their interference pa^erns.

- How do sound waves exhibit interference and beats when played from mul,ple sources?

- Inves,gate the behavior of waves on a vibra,ng string and the forma,on of harmonics.

- How does the Doppler effect apply to sound waves emi^ed by moving sources?

- Explore the principles of standing waves on a vibra,ng membrane or drumhead.

- Inves,gate the forma,on of interference pa^erns in double-slit experiments.

- How does the frequency of light affect the diffrac,on pa^erns produced by a diffrac,on gra,ng?

C.4 Standing Waves and Resonance

- What factors determine the resonance frequency of a closed tube filled with air?

- How does the length of a string affect the forma,on of standing waves?

- How does the tension in a string impact the harmonic frequencies produced?

- Explore the resonance of sound in open and closed tubes.

- Inves,gate the forma,on of standing waves on a vibra,ng membrane or drumhead.

- How do different materials affect the resonance frequencies of musical instruments?

- Inves,gate the principles of acous,c resonance in pipes and wind instruments.

- How does the length of an organ pipe impact the musical notes it produces?

- Explore the use of standing waves in musical instruments for tone produc,on.

- Inves,gate the phenomenon of resonance in architectural and structural engineering.

C.5 Doppler Effect

- How does the mo,on of a sound source affect the observed frequency by an observer?

- Inves,gate the Doppler effect in various scenarios, such as moving vehicles and sirens.

- How does the rela,ve mo,on of stars and galaxies impact the redshi\ observed in their


- Explore the Doppler effect in the context of light and its applica,ons in astronomy.

- Inves,gate the use of Doppler radar in weather forecas,ng and meteorology.

- How does the Doppler effect apply to the detec,on of exoplanets using the radial velocity method?

- Explore the principles of Doppler ultrasound in medical imaging.

- Inves,gate the applica,ons of the Doppler effect in Doppler lidar for atmospheric studies.

- How does the Doppler effect relate to the measurement of blood flow in medical diagnos,cs?

- Inves,gate the principles of Doppler shi\ in nuclear magne,c resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

D.1 Gravita,onal Fields

- What factors determine the gravita,onal field strength on the surface of a planet or celes,al body?

- Inves,gate the concept of escape velocity and its rela,onship to gravita,onal fields.

- How does the shape of a celes,al body affect its gravita,onal field?

- Explore the gravita,onal effects of mul,ple celes,al bodies in a system.

- Inves,gate the behavior of objects in freefall within different gravita,onal fields.

- How does the mass of two objects affect the gravita,onal force between them?

- Inves,gate the concept of gravita,onal poten,al energy and its applica,ons.

- How do objects in ellip,cal orbits exhibit varia,ons in gravita,onal force?

- Explore the principles of orbital mechanics and Kepler's laws of planetary mo,on.

- Inves,gate the gravita,onal effects of black holes and their impact on nearby objects.

D.2 Electric and Magne,c Fields

- What factors affect the electric field strength between charged objects?

- Inves,gate the rela,onship between the charge and distance in Coulomb's law.

- How does the direc,on of mo,on impact the magne,c field around a current-carrying wire?

- Explore the principles of electromagne,c induc,on and Faraday's law.

- Inves,gate the behavior of charged par,cles in magne,c fields, such as cyclotron mo,on.

- How does the orienta,on of magne,c domains in a material affect its magne,za,on?

- Inves,gate the principles of electromagne,c waves and their propaga,on.

- How do radio waves and microwaves exhibit polariza,on and its applica,ons?

- Explore the proper,es of electromagne,c fields in waveguides and antennas.

- Inves,gate the behavior of charged par,cles in magne,c confinement for fusion.

D.3 Mo,on in Electromagne,c Fields

- How does the charge-to-mass ra,o of a par,cle affect its trajectory in a magne,c field?

- Inves,gate the principles of magne,c deflec,on in par,cle accelerators.

- How does the velocity of a charged par,cle relate to the radius of its circular path?

- Explore the principles of mass spectrometry and their applica,ons.

- Inves,gate the behavior of charged par,cles in cyclotron accelerators.

- How does the Lorentz force affect the mo,on of charged par,cles in electromagne,c fields?

- Explore the principles of magne,c resonance imaging (MRI) and its medical applica,ons.

- Inves,gate the use of electromagne,c fields in par,cle beam therapy for cancer treatment.

- How do charged par,cles exhibit synchrotron radia,on in circular accelerators?

- Explore the principles of synchrotron light sources and their applica,ons in research.

D.4 Induc,on

- What factors affect the induced electromo,ve force (emf) in a coil?

- Inves,gate how changing the rate of magne,c flux through a coil changes the induced emf.

- How does the number of coils in a transformer affect voltage and current?

- Explore the principles of electromagne,c induc,on in power genera,on.

- Inves,gate the use of electromagne,c induc,on in wireless charging systems.

- How does electromagne,c induc,on apply to the opera,on of electric generators?

- Explore the principles of electromagne,c induc,on in eddy current brakes.

- Inves,gate the applica,ons of electromagne,c induc,on in electric motors.

- How does electromagne,c induc,on relate to the opera,on of transformers?

- Explore the use of electromagne,c induc,on in energy transfer and transmission.

E.1 Structure of the Atom

- How does the arrangement of electrons in an atom affect its chemical proper,es?

- Inves,gate the electron configura,on of elements and its periodic trends.

- How does the number of valence electrons in an atom relate to its reac,vity?

- Explore the principles of atomic spectra and their rela,onship to electron transi,ons.

- Inves,gate the behavior of electrons in energy levels and subshells.

- How does electron shielding impact the effec,ve nuclear charge in atoms?

- Explore the use of atomic models, such as the Bohr model, in explaining spectral lines.

- Inves,gate the principles of quantum numbers and their role in electron configura,on.

- How do electron configura,ons vary among elements in different periodic groups?

- Explore the role of electron spin in the Pauli exclusion principle and electron pairing.

E.2 Quantum Physics

- What is the rela,onship between energy and frequency in quantum physics?

- Inves,gate the behavior of par,cles as both par,cles and waves in the wave-par,cle duality.

- How does the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle limit the simultaneous measurement of posi,on and momentum?

- Explore the principles of quantum states and wave func,ons in quantum mechanics.

- Inves,gate the quantum mechanical model of the hydrogen atom and its energy levels.

- How does electron tunneling apply to quantum mechanical systems and devices?

- Explore the principles of quantum entanglement and its implica,ons for quantum compu,ng.

- Inves,gate the use of quantum mechanics in explaining phenomena at the nanoscale.

- How do quantum states play a role in quantum cryptography and secure communica,on?

- Explore the principles of quantum superposi,on and quantum interference in experiments.

E.3 Radioac,ve Decay

- What factors affect the rate of radioac,ve decay of a radioac,ve isotope?

- Inves,gate the principles of half-life and its applica,ons in da,ng techniques.

- How does the decay of radioac,ve isotopes relate to the emission of alpha, beta, and gamma par,cles?

- Explore the principles of nuclear stability and the neutron-to-proton ra,o in nuclei.

- Inves,gate the use of radioac,ve tracers in medical imaging and diagnos,cs.

- How does the concept of radioac,vity apply to the natural decay of elements in Earth's crust?

- Explore the principles of radia,on therapy and its use in cancer treatment.

- Inves,gate the radioac,ve decay chains of heavy elements and their daughter products.

- How does the decay of radioac,ve isotopes relate to the age of stars and stellar


- Explore the principles of cosmic ray interac,ons and their detec,on on Earth.

E.4 Fission

- What is the process of nuclear fission and its energy release in atomic bombs?

- Inves,gate the principles of chain reac,ons and cri,cality in nuclear reactors.

- How does the control of nuclear fission apply to the safe opera,on of nuclear power plants?

- Explore the principles of nuclear fuel cycles and the management of radioac,ve waste.

- Inves,gate the use of nuclear fission in the produc,on of nuclear energy.

- How does the concept of nuclear weapons prolifera,on impact global security?

- Explore the principles of fast and thermal neutron reactors in nuclear engineering.

- Inves,gate the poten,al for thorium-based nuclear reactors as a clean energy source.

- How does nuclear fission relate to the synthesis of heavy elements in stars?

- Explore the principles of controlled fusion as a clean and sustainable energy source.

E.5 Fusion and Stars

What is the process of nuclear fusion and its energy release in stars?

- Inves,gate the principles of nuclear fusion as the primary energy source in stars.

- How do stars evolve through various stages of fusion and element produc,on?

- Explore the life cycle of stars, including supernovae and black hole forma,on.

- Inves,gate the principles of nucleosynthesis in stellar interiors.

- How does the fusion of hydrogen into helium relate to the energy output of the Sun?

- Explore the poten,al for controlled nuclear fusion as a future energy source on Earth.

- Inves,gate the challenges and progress in achieving controlled nuclear fusion.

- How does the fusion of light elements in stars contribute to the abundance of elements in the


- Explore the principles of nuclear reac,ons in cosmic ray interac,ons and cosmic


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